SLPL 2400 red is the same than old aluminium ( 0,22g ) EXCEPT color and reduced friction
( 6,20 mm diameter x 3,24 mm wide )
SLPL 2401 purple is more thin ( 019g ) with M2 screw and not Sloting Plus M2.5
( 6,20 mm diameter x 2,48 mm wide )
SLPL 2402 gold is in thin brass ( 0,54g ) with M2 screw for applications where more weight than aluminium is necessary
( 6,20 mm diameter x 2,48 mm wide )
SLPL 2403 purple aluminium ( 0,38g ) is for axles 3 mm, particularly 1/24 . Screw M3
( 7,15 mm diameter x 3,65 mm wide )