Slot car shops are hard to find here in the US. They're on nearly every street corner in Barcelona it seems but even with slot cars being so available Cric Crac stands out as THE place to visit if you're in the general vicinity of Barcelona (it's about 45 minutes away if you're driving quickly...and we were!). Even if you're say in the vicinity of Spain...or in the vicinity of Cleveland for that matter!
Actually when I think about it, the best part wasn't really actually buying the stuff, it was talking with Bernat about each line of products. We compared notes about what we considered "fast" to be. Surprisingly our thoughts we quite similar...the top dog racer on both sides of the Atlantic is the McLaren Slot It, with the NSR Mosler, and MRRC/ScaleAuto Toyota GT1 closely behind or ahead. But the consensus was that all three were worth the money and were cars to be raced when the goal was all out speed.
The Cric Crac special edition cars are the stuff of eBay legend. Either you have one, or more than likely, you don't have one of the special editions but you want one. So what happened next was a complete surprise and was shock to me. Bernat went into the back of the store and came back out with a car to give to me. The car below is that car.
So if you're in need of really just about anything slot-related you can find them at:
Or via email at:
"Unobtanium"- Noun - Slot car enthusiast slang for products that are readily available everywhere else in the slot car world but not in the US market.